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Tampilkan postingan dengan label beasiswa guru. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, 19 September 2012

Penawaran Beasiswa S2 dalam negeri tahun 2012

Dalam rangka pelaksanaan Professional Human Resource Development Project Phase III (PHRDP-III), yang didanai oleh Japan International Cooperation Agency IP-535, Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan - Kementerian Keuangan melalui Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Selaku Executing Agency, akan menyelenggarakan seleksi program beasiswa S2 Dalam Negeri.
Untuk informasi lebih detail terlampir dibawah ini.

Lampiran 1
Lampiran 2 

Sumber dari: BPK DEPKEU

Selasa, 18 September 2012

Pengertian dan Kriteria Tunjangan profesinal bagi Guru

Tunjangan profesi adalah tunjangan yang diberikan kepada guru dan guru yang diangkat dalam jabatan pengawas yang telah memiliki sertifikat pendidik dan memenuhi persyaratan lainnya. Guru dimaksud adalah guru PNS dan guru bukan PNS yang diangkat oleh pemerintah daerah atau yayasan/masyarakat penyelenggara pendidikan baik yang mengajar di sekolah negeri maupun sekolah swasta.
Tunjangan profesi dibayarkan paling banyak 12 (dua belas) bulan dalam satu tahun. Tunjangan profesi diberikan kepada guru dan guru yang diangkat dalam jabatan pengawas terhitung mulai awal tahun anggaran berikut setelah yang bersangkutan dinyatakan lulus sertifikasi dan memperoleh NRG.

  • Guru yang masih aktif mengajar di sekolah di bawah binaan Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional kecuali guru pendidikan agama.
  • Guru yang diangkat dalam jabatan pengawas dengan ketentuan: (1) bagi pengawas satuan pendidikan selain dari guru yang diangkat sebelum berlakunya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 74 Tahun 2008 tentang Guru (1 Desember 2008), atau (2) bagi pengawas selain dari guru yang diangkat setelah berlakunya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 74 Tahun 2008 tentang Guru harus pernah memiliki pengalaman formal sebagai guru.
  • Guru bukan PNS pada sekolah swasta yang memiliki SK sebagai guru tetap dari penyelenggara pendidikan (guru tetap yayasan), sedangkan guru bukan PNS pada sekolah negeri harus memiliki SK dari Bupati/Walikota atau dinas pendidikan provinsi/ kabupaten/kota.
  • Pada tanggal 1 Januari 2012 belum memasuki usia 60 tahun.
  • Memiliki nomor unik pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan (NUPTK).

  • Semua guru dan guru yang diangkat dalam jabatan pengawas mempunyai kesempatan yang sama untuk ditetapkan sebagai peserta sertifikasi guru.
  • Penetapan peserta untuk TK, SD, SMP, SMA, dan SMK oleh dinas pendidikan kabupaten/kota, sedangkan untuk satuan pendidikan SLB dilakukan oleh dinas pendidikan provinsi.
  • Guru yang sudah mengikuti sertifikasi guru pada tahun sebelumnya tetapi belum lulus, dapat mendaftarkan kembali sebagai peserta.
  • Penetapan peserta dilakukan dan secara transparan melalui NUPTK Online
  • Dinas pendidikan provinsi/kabupaten/kota harus memberikan alasan tertulis yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan apabila ada peserta yang seharusnya belum mendapat giliran tetapi ditetapkan sebagai peserta.
  • Dinas pendidikan provinsi/kabupaten/kota dapat menunda seseorang yang seharusnya sudah masuk kuota dengan alasan yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, misalnya mendapatkan sangsi kepegawaian yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari instansi yang berwenang.
  • Calon peserta sertifikasi guru tahun 2011 tidak akan dialihtugaskan pada jabatan lain baik fungsional maupun struktural pada tahun 2012, kecuali diangkat dalam jabatan pengawas.
  • Penetapan peserta final hasil verifikasi akhir diumumkan secara terbuka
  • Daftar Nama Peserta Sertifikasi Guru Tahun 2011 dapat dilihat melalui NUPTK online.
  • Penggantian peserta sertifikasi hanya DAPAT dilakukan sampai dengan tanggal 15 April 2011, setelah itu TIDAK ADA penggantian peserta karena SISTEM APLIKASI ONLINE pendataan dan pendaftaran peserta ditutup.
Demikian ulasan tentang Tunjangan Profesi dan Ketentuannya bagi Tenaga Profesi Guru.
Sumber dari  DEPDIKBUD 

Rabu, 12 September 2012

PhD Scholarship in Physics University of Queensland, Australia

Photo credits Beasiswaindo
Quantum Simulation with Neutral Atoms – Experiment
Supervisors: Dr Tyler Neely and Prof. Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop
Study in sunny subtropical Brisbane, Australia, within the new ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQuS – official website) at the University of Queensland – ranked in the top 100 institutions internationally. We have a vacancy for a promising domestic or international student for a new experimental project, utilizing ultracold atoms for quantum simulation.
By lowering the temperature of an ultracold gas of 87Rb and 41K atoms, a novel state of matter known as a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) is produced. These atoms will be then loaded into a configurable optical trap created through the rapid modulation of a tightly focused optical beam. With the ability to address and measure individual atoms in the optical trap, a toolbox for the simulation of magnetic spin systems will be realized. Immediate applications to the understanding of as-yet unexplained quantum magnetic phenomena, and unconventional superfluidity, are the direct goals of this research.
This experimental project will allow for the development of diverse and transferable skills, including electronic and optical design, experimental system design and implementation, software design, and data analysis. This project will also allow for attendance of related international workshops and conferences. There will also be the opportunity to interact with other projects within EQuS, as well as the theoretical quantum atom optics group at the University of Queensland
The remuneration for this position begins at $25,007 p.a. tax free, and indexed annually. A priority top-up scholarship of $5000 is available for exceptional candidates.
Interested applicants are encouraged to apply with the following information to t.neely@uq.edu.au:
  1. Academic CV, including referee contact details official website)
  2. Academic transcripts from previous study (unofficial)
  3. Cover letter
Priority will be given to applications received before 15 October 2012, although applications received after this date will be considered.
Please note the English language requirements of the University of Queensland graduate school must be met to apply for candidature, as well as certified copies of the relevant documentation. International applicants will also be required to apply for the IPRS and UQI scholarship schemes within the University of Queensland graduate school. Official transcripts and two letters of recommendation will be required on formal application to the UQ Graduate School.
Additional information about the graduate programs at the University of Queensland can be found at official website
For more information, please visit : official website

Merit Scholarships School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Robert Gordon, UK

Photo credits Beasiswaindo
The School of Pharmacy & Life Sciences is pleased to offer a number of merit scholarships to outstanding students who wish to study at the School starting September 2012 and January 2013. Please read through the following information carefully.
The awards available in academic year 2012/13:
  • MSc Overseas Pharmacists’ Assessment Programme (OSPAP) Merit Scholarships for courses commencing September 2012.
    Amount available: £1000 per award
  • MSc Instrumental Analytical Sciences Merit Scholarships for courses commencing September 2012.
    Amount available: £1000 per award
  • MSc Clinical Pharmacy Practice Merit Scholarships for courses commencing January 2013.
    Amount available: £500 per award
Who can apply: International and UK / EU students wishing to study on the full-cost courses listed above.
You need to complete an application form and return it to the School. Please see below for further details.
Eligible Courses for the Merit Scholarships
  • Overseas Pharmacists Assessment Programme (OSPAP) MSc
    scholarships available to international students from outside the UK/EU*
  • Instrumental Analytical Sciences DNA Analysis, Proteomics & Metabolomics MSc
    Instrumental Analytical Sciences Drug Analysis and Toxicology MSc
    Instrumental Analytical Sciences Environmental Analysis MSc
    scholarships available for home students on a full-cost course and international students
  • Clinical Pharmacy Practice MSc
    scholarships available for both home and international students
* As UK/EU students already pay a lower fee on these courses, there are no merit based scholarships for UK/EU students on these courses in 2012/13.
We must receive your completed application prior to the closing dates below.
  • MSc OSPAP: 16th September 2012
  • MSc Instrumental Analytical Sciences: September 2012
  • MSc Clinical Pharmacy Practice: 28th February 2013
Please note that in order to be considered for a particular scholarship, you must already hold an offer of a place to study the appropriate eligible course at the School. You must therefore ensure that your application for a place is submitted well in advance.
Please download the Scholarship application form below. You should return it to us by e-mail.
As part of the application process you are required to write a short statement in support of your application, which should address the following points:
  • Why you are applying for the scholarship,
  • How you will benefit from the opportunities that being given the award will provide, and
  • How you would contribute to the University community during your studies here.
You may refer to activities, achievements and personal qualities which are particularly relevant to your application.
You should also include:
  • A scanned transcript of your highest academic qualification,
  • Evidence of English language competence e.g. a scanned copy of your IELTS certificate (where appropriate), and
  • A scanned copy of your University offer letter (or email if you have not received your letter).
Applications must be complete. Applications which are incomplete, missing required data or are illegible will be considered invalid. You may only apply for an award once. Multiple applications will not be considered.
The School’s award panel will meet to consider eligible scholarship applications received by the respective due dates.
The School will assess all applications against the following criteria:
  • Previous academic record and your suitability for postgraduate study in the School, i.e.
    • Class of degree / CGPA / final score of first degree or previous masters-level study,
    • Relevance of your first degree to the course you are applying for,
    • Any prizes or awards given to you in your first degree.
  • Relevant industrial or professional experience,
  • Evidence of workplace experience that is relevant to the course you are applying for, and
  • Personal achievements which indicate your ability and commitment to: complete the intended course; contribute to the course, school and wider university community during your studies and the professional community when you complete the course.
In the event that two applications are scored identically and only one award is available, the panel will award the scholarship to the first application received, using the date of receipt in the University as the relevant date.
Please note: All scholarship applicant should intend to complete to MSc stage. Any successful scholarship applicant that chooses to exit their course early will be expected to reimburse all or part of their award at the discretion of the School.
Notification and acceptance
  • Successful applicants will be informed in the first instance by email
  • Applicants will be required to respond by email to accept the offer. A formal scholarship offer letter will then be issued and dispatched by email. Failure to accept the offer will lead to the scholarship offer being withdrawn and offered to an alternative applicant.
Terms and conditions
  • All scholarships are awarded in the form of a discount on fees paid.
  • A scholarship will be withdrawn if:
    • You fail to accept the offer within the time permitted.
    • Your scholarship or University application is found to contain incomplete or inaccurate information.
    • You are found to have committed academic misconduct once enrolled at the University
    • You are found to have committed non-academic misconduct once enrolled at the University
    • You fail to pass module assignments or end of module exams at the first attempt once enrolled on your course
    • You defer or suspend your studies, withdraw from the University or are suspended or withdrawn from the University
    • You fail to make payment for fees due to the University within 23 days of the due date
    • In the event that a scholarship is withdrawn, you will need to pay the full fees due for your course
Appeals Process
All decisions on scholarship applications will be made by the School’s Scholarship Panel. All decisions are final and we cannot enter into correspondence with unsuccessful applicants. There are no grounds for appeal against an unsuccessful application with the following exception:
  • Where there is evidence of alleged improper conduct or irregular procedure during the scholarship awards process.
If you wish to appeal on the above ground, you should write in the first instance to the Head of School, outlining your evidence of alleged improper conduct or irregular procedure during the awards process. The Head of School will respond to you within 20 working days.
For more information, please visit : official website

Scholarship for MA in Media Practice for International Development, University Sussex, UK

Photo credits  Besiswaindo
The School of Media, Film and Music is delighted to offer a £5,000 scholarship to UK/HEU and non EU students who have been accepted on the MA in Media Practice for International Development, starting in September 2013.
The scholarship is offered as a reduction in tuition fees of £5,000 and will be awarded to the student who possesses the highest academic ability and potential (not made on the basis of financial need).
Type of award: Postgraduate masters
Award amount: £5000
  • Applicants must have been offered a place on the above Masters degree.
  • Applicants must commence the degree in September 2013 (awards cannot be deferred to subsequent years).
  • Current Sussex undergraduate students are eligible to apply.
By 1 May 2013: Deadline for all applications to be received. Please ensure that you have applied for one of the MA programmes listed above by 1st April 2013 to allow time for processing (you must have been made an offer of a place to be eligible to apply for the scholarship)
By 31 May 2013: Applicants notified of the outcome of their application by email
Further information
For further information on the scholarships please contact Mrs Pat Mounce
Tel: +44 1273 872574
Email: p.a.mounce@sussex.ac.uk
For more information, please visit : official website

Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

PMPAP, Beasiswa Unila untuk Mahasiswa Prasejahtera

JAKARTA - Proses mengenyam bangku kuliah memang tidak mudah bagi mereka yang tidak mampu. Namun, kini sudah banyak beasiswa yang memberikan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa dari kalangan ekonomi rendah.
Di Universitas Lampung (Unila), ada akses yang benar-benar ditujukan bagi mereka yang berasal dari keluarga prasejahtera, yakni jalur Penerimaan Mahasiswa Perluasan Akses Pendidikan (PMPAP). Mahasiswa baru yang lulus melalui jalur ini akan mengikuti seleksi ketat untuk memastikan jika dia benar-benar berhak untuk mendapatkan bantuan biaya pendidikan selama delapan semester.
Baru-baru ini, Rektor Unila Sugeng P Hariantomengambil sumpah 389 mahasiswa baru yang lolos jalur PMPAP ini. Menurut Rektor, sumpah tersebut merupakan bukti kepercayaan kampus terhadap para mahasiswa baru.
“Jika kemudian hari mereka terbukti tidak berhak menerima beasiswa PMPAP ini, maka mereka bersedia dicabut haknya sebagai mahasiswa Unila. Tidak hanya itu, mereka juga bersumpah untuk memafaatkan kesempatan ini dengan sungguh-sungguh,” ungkap Sugeng, seperti dinukil dari laman Unila, Senin (27/8/2012).
Program yang sudah memasuki tahun kedua ini merupakan sebuah komitmen untuk memutus garis kemiskinan di Lampung yang dilakukan oleh Unila. Pihak Unila sangat berharap, memberikan kesempatan bagi mereka yang kurang mampu untuk melanjutkan pendidikan sampai perguruan tinggi adalah pilihan yang tepat.
“Maka dari itu, target bidikan kami benar-benar mahasiswa yang berasal dari keluarga yang kurang mampu dalam bidang ekonomi keluarganya, baru kami lihat kemampuan akademik yang berhasil mereka catatkan,” ujar Sugeng.
Sugeng menjelaskan, tahun lalu, PMPAP membantu 300 mahasiswa. Sementara, tahun ini pendaftar PMPAP ini mencapai 1.800-an orang, namun hanya 389 orang yang diterima.
“Beasiswa PMPAP ini juga merupakan jalur khusus untuk mahasiswa yang tidak mampu bersaing di jalur Seleksi Nasional (SNMPTN) Tulis maupun Undangan, ataupun jalur Beasiswa Bidik Misi. Kalau mereka bisa bersaing secara akademik melalui jalur tersebut tentu sangat baik. Namun, cukup sulit bagi mereka untuk menyaingi mahasiswa yang mampu,” jelas Sugeng.
Sugeng memaparkan, kesempatan ini diberikan sampai delapan semester penuh. Jika ada tambahan masa kuliah, maka beasiswa akan diberhentikan secara otomatis. Karena itu, pihak Unila berharap, para penerima beasiswa akan memanfaatkan kesempatan ini dengan baik.
“Dulu saya juga anak kampung, Waktu dulu saya ke Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), modal saya hanya tiga lembar baju dan celana. Jadi mereka tidak perlu minder kuliah melalui jalur ini,” kenang Sugeng.(rfa).

Sumber: Okezone

Beasiswa Double Degrees Indonesia-Jepang di Unpad

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Program Studi Magister Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Padjajaran (PSMIL Unpad) Bandung kembali membuka peluang beasiswa bagi lulusan sarjana yang berniat melanjutkan studi di bidang ilmu lingkungan.

Jalur Beasiswa Unggulan dari Kemdikbud ini menawarkan bantuan studi jenjang S2 Ilmu Lingkungan yang konsentrasinya pada bidang ‘Pembangunan dan Konservasi Lingkungan Perdesaan’.
Penerima beasiswa hanya akan disediakan biaya pendidikan hingga lulus kuliah. Adapun fasilitas biaya hidup selama studi tidak termasuk di dalamnya.

Seperti pada tahun sebelumnya, beasiswa ini bekerja sama dengan pemerintah Jepang dalam hal Pembangunan dan Konservasi Lingkungan Perdesaan.
Jika penerima beasiswa terpilih, maka nantinya tidak hanya belajar di kampus Unpad Bandung, Indonesia, tetapi juga akan memperoleh hak menempuh beasiswa belajar di Tokyo, Jepang, serta memperoleh gelar double degrees.

Beasiswa ini terbuka untuk umum dan boleh diikuti oleh lulusan sarjana 1 dari berbagai bidang disiplin ilmu. Syaratnya dengan memiliki IPK minimal 3,4 dan TOEFL minimal 500, Anda bisa mengikuti aplikasi beasiswa ini.
Adapun jika calon pelamar memiliki kriteria IPK di bawah 3,4 tidak perlu khawatir, sebab berdasarkan pengalaman sebelumnya, panitia akan menghargai dan mempertimbangkan berbagai prestasi nonakademik, pengalaman organisasi, dan karya tulis Anda.

Pendaftaran masih akan belangsung hingga 31 Oktober 2012. Dan untuk informasi dan kelengkapan selanjutnya bisa membuka laman www.ppsil.unpad.ac.id, atau mengunjungi sekretariat PSMIL PPs Unpad jalan Sekeloa Selatan No. 1 Bandung 40132, telpon/fax 022 – 2508871 email: psmil@unpad.ac.id, www.ppsil.unpad.ac.id.

Sumber: Kompas

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